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Why Coworking Offices are the New Path to Success

Joanne Sanders

Coworking Offices Builds Companies

Remote Work versus Working in an Office

Over the last year, we have grown accustomed to a brand-new workplace --a strange work-from-home schedule that has you sending an email one minute, and folding laundry the next. Our bodies and minds have been forced to combine our home life with our work life. We’ve grown comfortable with this adjustment, but comfort isn’t what we need for growth.

“If we’re growing, we’re always going to be out of our comfort zone.” -John Maxwell

Flexible Office Space for You and Your Team

According to the US Chamber of Commerce, there are nearly 17,000 coworking spaces across the world. For the most part, these coworking spaces are usually a membership-based office space that offers a variety of options in terms of private offices and meeting rooms. Often times, these office spaces are accessible to members on a 24/7 basis and provide amenities such as high-speed internet and data storage capabilities.

While working-from-home definitely offers some benefits on a personal level, these coworking spaces provide businesses opportunities to expand their growth.

While working from home definitely provides a level of comfort for entrepreneurs and individual workers, co-working spaces, are providing growing businesses an opportunity to increase their productivity, save money, and expand their networks, while maintaining a flexible work schedule for their employees.

We’ve experienced this at our Alpharetta Coworking Space Digital Ignition and seen this to be the case with member companies such as X and also internationally recognized companies like Instagram started their companies in coworking success.

Networking Events

Alpharetta Networking Brought to You. Perhaps the most important advantage for businesses operating within a coworking space comes in the form of network with likeminded individuals. You’ve heard it a thousand times, surrounding yourself with successful and likeminded individuals breeds success. With businesses throughout coworking spaces accomplishing great feats, each business is pushed and motivated to build off of their community’s achievements.

Unique Coworking Spaces Boost Productivity

Flexible Space Increases Productivity

Over the last year, our homes have become a place for business, relaxation, and everything in between. In fact, according to a study provided by PEW Research Center, roughly 70% of employees in the United States worked from home during the last year, with a majority of them admitting that they could not properly achieve their job responsibilities from home.

Roughly 70% of employees worked from home during the last year, with a majority of them admitting that they could not properly achieve their job responsibilities from home.

Many of these employees point towards the fact that home offers far too many distractions, as very few can turn off their innate desire to complete household tasks when presented with the opportunity. Many research studies show that a new and different location can boost productivity and creativity. With that being said, coworking spaces offer a well-designed work space, curated specifically for the necessities needed to effectively grow and manage a business or company.

In doing so, coworking spaces also provide the schedule flexibility for employees to split their time between a remote work environment and an office atmosphere in which they can efficiently work together with their coworkers.

Did you know, some of the biggest tech companies in the world started at a coworking space? Read more here.

Short Term Leases and Fewer Expenses

Coworking offices let you focus on work.

When considering the benefits of utilizing a coworking space, it’s important to mention the cost saving factor that these office spaces provide. Running a business usually requires a large amount of overhead expenditures. Coworking spaces can help limit these costs, as additional charges such as utility bills and service provider expenses are covered within your membership.

In addition, coworking space management teams often allow their tenants to pay month-to-month on flexible payment plans based upon the needs of the business or individual at hand.

Coworking Offices are the Key Working Efficiently Today

Alpharetta Offices are Especially Fantastic 😊

Let’s face it – the work environment and schedule that we once knew has changed forever.

The landscape has shifted to a remote work schedule that has effectively merged our home lives into our work lives, or vice versa. However, there’s a way for growing businesses and individuals to get the best of both worlds.

Coworking spaces offer a flexible work schedule and the ability to work in a cost-efficient office space tailored towards their professional needs. While the concept is still relatively new, it’s undeniable that these spaces provide numerous benefits for businesses at almost any stage of growth.

While entrepreneurs must be diligent in choosing a coworking space that best applies to their needs, these office spaces may be the key to the future of business growth. And while it may seem uncomfortable to stray from what we’re all used to, remember – nothing grows in the comfort zone!

Schedule a tour of our coworking facility, Digital Ignition, and ask about our free week!

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